Tuesday 23 October 2007

Love Can Heal All Wounds!

Love is a healing balm to all old hurts and abuse that we have suffered. It touches all pain and helps it release gentily and calmly, flower remedies and essences can greatly help as can EFT and therapy, but love is the real healer. If We Add that in then we are giving ourselves nourishment inside, only we can do that!
Each flower you know has a different colour , a different smell and a different shape. Each flower has a different vibration. perhaps God Put them there to help remind us of the differing qualities of ourselves? The rose is associated with love and beauty. perhaps we could open to this love more as we smell a rose. I think we all forget the immense beauty that lives inside us. We are all special, all unique and all capable of such wonderful lives, all creative and divine. In the morning i often open my arms wide and take a deep breath and say out loud " i let the love in , it is safe to let the love in" when i do this i feel a wave of healing come to me. Thats because there is love everywhere actually. through pain and abuse we can easily forget this fact! Like we become numb and cold to its presence. but thankfully we are able to change all that and put things right. We are now opening ourselves to the healing balm that mends all wounds!

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