Tuesday 6 November 2007

Unique and Special Angel Messages Through Rose Eloise's Angel Guide!

Eloise's Angel Messages
I am available now on the internet to take your consultaions for you own guidance and personal messages. I am a clairvoyant and channell for The Angels which are here to assist us and guide us towards only our Highest Good! Perhaps you have a personal issue to work through at this time, love or relationships, twinflames perhaps or soulmates? Perhaps a career issue you need guidance on or Prosperity and abundance.
I have been working with the angels all my life. It is in the last ten years that i started to help other with their glorious help! I love to read for people and pas on messages to those people who are seeking the light. I help also those who have past on to the higher realms reconnect to their loved ones and pass on any messages that need to be said so the two parties can finalise and move on to higher things.
I will look forwards to your call and i invite you to email me with any questions you may have.
Your Guide and Friend Eloise and The Angels!

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